"I got two books earlier this week and devoured them,
very interesting stuff." Coast To Coast AM
It's called "UFO - How To" for a very good reason.
The author says if you follow the instructions, you can build your own.
This book is absolutely fascinating! It's incredible to see that while the world was working on and "perfecting" the automobile, there were also inventors working on designs for these "exotic" and potentially more efficient transportation systems as well. It's like there've been "two worlds" all along and somehow the public got stuck in the wrong one. I think increased public acknowledgment of these technological accomplishments will hopefully steer us back to the right path, and increased distribution of this book is an excellent first step! Jason (Location withheld)
YOU F***ING ROCK DUDE! These books are
amazing. I can't get over these. I knew I'd be impressed, but wow! Thank
you thank you thank you! You can most definitely start a college course on
UFOlogy now with these. Are you ready to do a UFO conference lecture yet?
(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS ON THE TRESHOLD OF TOMORROW (NEW)
(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS ON THE TRESHOLD OF TOMORROW (NEW)
(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS ON THE TRESHOLD OF TOMORROW (NEW)
(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS ON THE TRESHOLD OF TOMORROW (NEW)
(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS ON THE TRESHOLD OF TOMORROW (NEW)
(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS ON THE TRESHOLD OF TOMORROW (NEW)
(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS ON THE TRESHOLD OF TOMORROW (NEW)
(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS ON THE TRESHOLD OF TOMORROW (NEW)
(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS ON THE TRESHOLD OF TOMORROW (NEW)
(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS
(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS
(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS
"Unidentified" no longer! Aerospace technology has come a lot farther than most people are aware. We have been building flying saucers, triangles and the glowing balls of light that shoot through the sky at thousands of miles per hour for over a century. The government has confirmed this though an unexpected agency: The Patent Office.
The Abridged Original Edition UFO How-To books are here!
Cleaner. Clearer. More concise. The only complete encyclopedia of black aerospace / top secret UFO technology is here, now in its revised original edition. Each volume is under 630 pages, per the requirements of Amazon.com, and have a significantly lower price than the previous editions. These are the blueprints and plans from inventors, aerospace companies and government agencies (Lockheed, NASA etc.) that perform exactly as as the strange craft photographed and video recorded performing outrageous and unbelievable maneuvers in the skies at thousands of miles per hour. These books expound on the science of top secret black aerospace propulsion and power systems previously identified as UFOs! This encyclopedia of classified knowledge now has thousands of pages of UFO technology! The Abridged Original Edition of the UFO How-To series has arrived!
"Black Projects" and Classified Technology and Advanced Aerospace are revealed at last!
Mankind has the ability to build UFOs. The answer to How UFOs work has been released to the public by the government. Actually, it’s been available for over 100 years now. Up until now, no one knew where to look for the answers. These books will help you understand how they work.
How-To rebuild the economy!
How-To save the planet!
How-To build a UFO!
*** *** *** *** *** ***
How UFO Propulsion Works - How UFOs Work Interviews Amazing Invention! 10,000 mpg The Secret Of Electrogravitics (6MB) (12 MB) (4 MB) (14 MB) (28MB) (894kb) (43kb)
Gas MPG Improvement (336 kb)
Method and Apparatus for Generating a Secondary
Gravitational Force Field Method and
Apparatus for Generating a Dynamic Force Field
In the UFO How-To series you will learn:
1) How to identify these amazing craft;
2) How to build the these amazing craft that you have seen or witnessed;
3) How you can advance the whole of society into the future;
4) How to prevent the disasters of climate change through green technology;
5) How to revitalize the global economy;
6) How you can make a fortune on the New Space Age;
7) How you can make the world a better place.
How UFOs Work
The UFO How-To series has thousands if pages to it, 99% of the content is complete patent information, only 1% of the content is commentary. Over four thousand (4000+) pages are devoted to UFO craft and their propulsion systems, over twenty-eight hundred (2800+) pages are showing the complete patents of power systems that can be used for UFO craft, homes, and even automobile, over six hundred (600+) pages dedicated to navigation and communication systems, with the remainder dedicated to miracles of science like full body teleportation and hyperspace generators.
But you don’t need to read all those pages, or even understand all those pages to understand how UFOs operate. To make it easier, I broke them down into six main categories: 1) Air powered. Some of the oldest patents are air foil discs and giant blowers. 2) Electrogravitic. Large voltages of electricity pulsed into the right receivers. 3) Plasma Propulsion. Think of rockets that run on lightning. Or David Adair. 4) Magnetohydrodynamic. These are the ‘glowing balls of light’ people see. 5) Fusion. A catch all category for fusion, fission, and antimatter drives. 6) Inertial. Mechanical momentum powered craft.
You can choose which area you want to start, because the first six books of the UFO How-To series are divided as above. All except the first book, “100 Years of UFO Patents.” That first book has all kinds of UFOs in it, from the first “Aerial Machine” to the “Gyro Stabilized Flying Saucer” to the “Gravitational Wave Propulsion System.”
Important People of Interest The following people are
‘persons of interest’ in the history and development of the modern human
built UFO. Each one of them has played a critical role in the science of
UFO propulsion systems, and has a portion of the UFO How-To series. While Brown’s work helped solidify Tesla’s dream of the “perfect flying machine,” it was the work of Wallace that made it a reality.
And don’t confuse “lifter technology” with electrogravitic propulsion.
That’s like confusing a hot-air balloon with a surface-to-air missile.
So to all you garage tinkerers and home lab researchers, NEVER GIVE UP
if someone tries to steal your work!
Recently I produced a new book about Navigation
and Communication Systems. But this is not the only book that
discusses that. The same 300 or so pages of patent that discuss
‘hostility-deterrent’ in Electromagnetic UFO Theory also discuss
application for “telecommunication” and as an “illuminator for an active
sensor and/or guidance system.”
So why did I provide this? Because I found
the answer to the question of “Does man possess UFO technology.” I’m
tired of TV shows that never give answers, books that never give
answers, public speakers that charge too much money to come and talk
about UFOs without giving real answers. We do possess this technology
and the technical layouts are available for you to review.
Learn how to make power at home to sell to the power company here.
Tell people about this technology. Tell people about this website.
TOPIC: Exotic Propulsion Systems and the Global Economy
In reviewing the recent economic history of the United States, it can be seen that the last democratic president came into power under similar financial circumstances. He had inherited a massive economic debt in recession left over from the republican incumbent. That president had a technological development that catapulted commerce out of the recession: the internet. The internet caused an explosion of commerce, the ability to order and pay for merchandise accelerated.
The current president needs a similar technological boost to reinvigorate the US and global economies. It can be found in the concealed technology of Exotic Propulsion Systems. Exotic Propulsion Systems are methods of transportation that far exceed the capabilities of the currently used paradigm of cargo shipment and personnel travel. For the last century, these methods have been available, but have been hidden beneath a mountain of paperwork and filing numbers at the patent office.
So unfamiliar with the public are these Exotic Propulsion systems that they have erroneously garnered the title of Unidentified Flying Objects ( UFO). The reality of the matter is that these systems have been restrained from public use over the last 100 years because of Cold War concerns and profit margins of corporations vested in the currently existing technologies.
Now that the Cold War is over, petroleum reserves are reaching critical shortage levels and the earth is repercussing violently from the impacts of global warming, there is little logical opposition to implementing propulsion systems into the current global transport structure that:
1) Produce no greenhouse gases; 2) Are not subject to the chaotic forces of changing weather conditions; 3) Can fly with the certainty and speed that will reduce aerial travel times from hours to minutes, and replace shipping time from days to minutes, in trans-oceanic transportation; 4) Will increase profitability in direct proportion to the referenced speeds listed above; 5) Are technologies that can be reconstructed by the average man, opening the next great economic expansion to all. QUESTIONS:
1) What is the application of UFO / Exotic Propulsion Systems to the Global Economy? 2) What is the expense of implementation of UFO / Exotic Propulsion Systems? 3) What is the history of UFO / Exotic Propulsion systems? 4) What research is required before UFO / Exotic Propulsion Systems can be Implemented?
1) Application of Exotic Propulsion Systems to the Global Economy.
Exotic Propulsion technology can repair the global economy by opening the next great economic expansion. These exotic propulsion systems are predominantly public domain material; their use can increase commerce and profit margins with minimal investment. The increase of commerce can be used to establish global governance by swaying the peoples of the earth to be willing participants in their financial advancement, in the greater picture of improving the quality of life for all by expanding the speed and efficiency of trans-oceanic and trans-national transportation.
In the past, governments and big-money interests have glossed over alerting the public to these technologies because it was much more profitable to encourage dependence on the current system.
But now that the current system is in trouble, with ever more bailouts, skyrocketing fuel costs, and failing revenues, this technology can be integrated into the current system and made much more profitable. Who would fly a regular plane of any type when the craft employing an Exotic Propulsion system is much faster, safer, and more atmospherically stable?
The corporations that rely the most on government subsidies and short supply to increase their corporations' bottom lines now can return to the ideology that improvement in performance can lead to greater profits than reliance on the current failing system.
Convincing corporate heads that implementing technology that increases
performance by a factor of 48 times or greater should not prove difficult.
The repercussions of the implementation of these exotic propulsion technologies will be felt in the stock market, with graduated recurrent increases as corporate performance improves by the integration of this superior technology into the market. As market performance increases (shorter trip times encourage more flights; produce and other commodities can be delivered same-day for better quality and less spoilage...) and profitability expands, faith in the market will return and stabilize, and the economies of all participating nations shall thrive.
The open use and acceptance of these technologies will repair the global economy by opening the next great economic expansion. Space tourism can become a reality in a much shorter time and a more profitable manifestation. The cruise industries will find great profits in tours around the moon and the outer giants. Material resources need no longer be in short supply as mining the asteroid belt becomes a commonplace event. Oil prospecting on Jupiter’s moons could likewise easily be achieved.
The threat of overpopulation can be eradicated, as the technology to create lunar bases and settlements in other locations of the solar system can be implemented. Transport and shipment of supplies between these settlements and the Earth will be feasible because the speeds achieved are far in excess of currently implemented rocket technologies.
2) Expense of Implementation of Exotic Propulsion Systems.
These Exotic Propulsion Systems will not be deterred by expense. The materials used to construct them are in fact commonplace: copper wire, simple ceramics, and basic frame building that can be accomplished by automobile manufacture plants, airplane construction plants, and shipyards. The subsystems of propulsion that are categorized for this prospectus can be reduced to the following categories: 1) Plasma Propulsion; 2) Electrogravitic Systems; 3) Magnetohydrodynamic Systems.
In reality the above mentioned systems are so closely interrelated that some persons might say that the sub-divisions are splitting hairs. Be that as it may, the technical requirements for comprehension of functionality are not excessive. It does not require engineers with doctorate degrees to design and build these systems. It has been stated, “If you can design a Tesla Coil, you can build an Exotic Propulsion System craft.”
3) The History of Exotic Propulsion Systems:
The bulk of the numerous patents that have been issued in the United States, Britain, and Canada over the last 100 years for electrogravitic and magnetohydrodynamic propulsion patents are merely rehashes of the same principle of physics—that a high voltage discharged as impulses can be harnessed to defy gravity and propel at velocities far in excess of those achieved by conventional aircraft.
Thomas Townsend Brown is the most prominent early figure in the recovery of actual data regarding electrogravitic propulsion systems in the United States. While many historians trace the source of the work to his role model and inspiration, Nikola Tesla, Tesla’s secrecy in disclosing data to sources in the West preclude him as a reliable source for hard facts for the purposes of this prospectus. Brown is credited with the discovery that high voltage impulses in a capacitor will cause that capacitor to lurch in the direction of that capacitor’s north pole; this discovery is recognized in physics as the “Biefeld-Brown Effect.” But this discovery does not give a complete enough answer for Exotic Propulsion Systems for our purposes. It is the work of Henry W. Wallace, another important figure in Exotic Propulsion Systems, that completes the feasibility of their integration into the transport paradigm of the global economy. Wallace discovered that high speed rotation of elements with odd nuclear spin values cause directional movement that is neither centrifugal nor centripetal motion. It appears from the numerous patents on these Exotic Propulsion Systems that elements with odd nuclear spin values increase the propulsive effect regardless of whether the high speed rotation method or the high voltage electrical impulse method of Brown are used.
Through Brown’s work, high speed electrogravitic propulsion is realized, but it is through Wallace’s work that the ability for a human being to withstand the high-G maneuvers that Exotic Propulsion Systems (EPS) craft perform is realized. Put simply, the occupants of the EPS craft are shielded from gravitational and inertial forces.
4) Research Required Before Exotic Propulsion Systems can be Implemented.
Most of the research has been laid out already, as evidenced by the hundred years of patents that recreate the same craft on the same principle of physics. Research and development will consist solely of stress testing the existing craft based on the existing craft plans to determine life spans of the craft involved, and maximum cargo capabilities.
The implementation of this technology, as chronicled by Mr. Fortune, can stimulate the health and expansion of the Global Economy, by encouraging the transnational corporations and world governments to incorporate the use of the Exotic Propulsion Systems for purposes of cargo and personnel transportation to foster growth on an unprecedented scale that can balance the global economy, address global warming, fuel shortage concerns, and over-population issues, while leveling the economic playing field between nations and improving the quality of life for all peoples on this planet.
It is the endeavor of the author to show how these technologies can be replicated by the average person, by building a craft, and making a public disclosure of the process, of such craft utilizing Exotic Propulsion Systems.
For the technical elements and specifications of implementing these technologies as delineated above, please see the books listed in the Bibliography.
Bibliography: Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To Volume I - 100 Years of UFO Patents” © 2007 Lulu Press Publishing Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To Volume II - Electrogravitics” © 2007 Lulu Press Publishing Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To Volume III – Plasma Propulsion” © 2007 Lulu Press Publishing Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To Volume IV - Magnetohydrodynamics” © 2007 Lulu Press Publishing Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To Volume V - Fusion & Anti-Matter Systems” © 2007 Lulu Press Publishing Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To Volume VI – Inertial Propulsion Systems” © 2007 Lulu Press Publishing Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To Volume VII – Esoteric Power Systems” © 2008 Lulu Press Publishing Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To Volume VIII – Permanent Magnet Power Systems” © 2008 Lulu Publishing Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To Volume IX – Hydrogen Power Systems” © 2008 Lulu Press Publishing Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To Volume X – EM UFO Systems” © 2008 Lulu Press Publishing Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To Volume XI – NAV / COM Systems” © 2008 Lulu Press Publishing Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To Volume XII – On The Threshold of Tomorrow” © 2011 Lulu Press Publishing Fortune, Luke. “UFO How-To: The Basics” © 2008 Lulu Press Publishing
*** *** *** *** *** ***
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(Click the below links to see the books by getting to the listed webpages.) THE BOOKS: PERMANENT MAGNET POWER SYSTEMS
Can "Unidentified" Flying Objects be man made? Yes, they can be. There are six main propulsion types of UFO craft: 1) Air powered: Some of the oldest patents are air foil discs and giant blowers. 2) Electrogravitic: Large voltages of electricity pulsed into the proper receiver materials cause movement on a scale previously unimagined. 3) Plasma Propulsion: Think of thrusters that blast off by lightning.
4) Magnetohydrodynamic craft: These are the ‘glowing balls of light’ people see. Ionization of atmospheric gases cause the craft to be enveloped by plasma.
5) Fusion propulsion: A catch all category for fusion, fission, and antimatter drives.
6) Inertial craft: Craft flying by generated internal momentum, gyroscopic activity, centrifugal and/or centripetal force... No propellers, wings, or thrusters. How did I discover all this evidence? I found it at the patent office. 120 years of records of such flying craft.
I have compiled thousands of pages of patented technology that show how to construct these propulsion systems. That's not thousands of pages of required reading; that is thousands of pages of OPTIONS for seeing the blueprints of top secret black project aerospace craft/UFOs.
THESE ARE THE COMPILATIONS OF THOSE TECHNOLOGIES: The Basics Plasma Shells - Invisibility to Radar; Plasma Thrusters - More powerful than chemical rockets; Electrogravitics - How it works; Questions and Answers with the Author This book is 75% patent blueprints and 25% explanatory commentary. Volume #1 "100 Years of UFO Patents" is recommended for the person who wants answers to historical UFO sightings through the present day. This first volume has 100 years of patented history of strange crafts in the sky that can perform aerial acrobatics that airplanes and helicopters of today are incapable of accomplishing. This book is 99% patent blueprints and 1% explanatory commentary. Read examples HERE. Volume #2 "Electrogravitics" is for people who want to know the secrets of antigravity (in reality, electrogravitics), by proven patents and the relation of physicists who are not just theorizing, but who have actually built and explain how the science of these antigravity patents work; and how disc shaped crafts have been built that crackle with electricity, can hover, perform right angle maneuvers at high speeds, and disappear from sight with bursts of speed, flying at thousands of miles per hour. Don’t confuse “lifter technology” with electrogravitic propulsion. That would be like confusing a hot-air balloon with a surface-to-air missile. This book is 99% patent blueprints and 1% explanatory commentary. Read examples HERE. Volume #3 "Plasma Propulsion" is for the people who’d feel a little more comfortable with science more familiar, similar to rocketry, but immensely more powerful -- the science of plasma thrusters. This book is 99% patent blueprints and 1% explanatory commentary. Read examples HERE. Volume #4 "Magnetohydrodynamics" is the book for people who want to know about the UFOs that have been seen in the sky as a glowing ball of light, yet are invisible to radar -- the science of Magneto-hydro-dynamics provides the answers. MHD also connects the dots on how these type of craft are flying electrical power generators. This book is 99% patent blueprints and 1% explanatory commentary. Read examples HERE. Volume #5 "Fusion and Antimatter Systems" is for the person who wants to see proof of how the use of fission, fusion, cold fusion, and antimatter systems for spaceships are a reality, not just props in science fiction stories. This book is 99% patent blueprints and 1% explanatory commentary. Read examples HERE. Volume #6 "Inertial Propulsion" is for the person who wants proof that flight without propulsive exhaust is not only plausible, but has been accomplished dozens of ways for over one hundred years. Listed are inertial, centrifugal, and other drive systems that convert mechanical motion into power for flight without rockets, wings, or propellers. This book is 99% patent blueprints and 1% explanatory commentary. Read examples HERE. Volume #7 "Esoteric Power Systems" covers energy systems that are unknown to most people. These power systems bring a level of self reliance through stable energy generation that can be used for powering flying craft, cars, or for home power production. From atomic batteries to exhaustless engines to motors that are powered by sound, you will see how they operate here. This book is 99% patent blueprints and 1% explanatory commentary. Read examples HERE. Volume #8 "Permanent Magnet Systems" covers the "forbidden" world of magnetic and self powering energy production systems. The use of permanent magnets in generators can far exceed what the public has been told is possible in power generation. Included in these patents are the plans for a half-dozen generating systems confirmed as self-powered and over-unity, among the several dozens of improvement plans. This book is 99% patent blueprints and 1% explanatory commentary. Read examples HERE. Volume #9 "Hydrogen Power Systems" is uniquely written for the average person who is interested in breaking their reliance on fossil fuels. While these hydrogen technologies can be used for flying craft, this particular volume has as its focus the revealing of public domain technology to be able to convert your standard gasoline consuming automobile to a hydrogen fueled vehicle. No mucking about with fuel cells, these plans are directly for the use of water as fuel, by exploiting the thousand-fold energy increase in the recombining of hydrogen and oxygen into water. This book is 99% patent blueprints and 1% explanatory commentary. Read examples HERE. Volume #10 "EM UFO Systems" is compiled in the first part focused upon electrostatic propulsion systems, and in the second upon electromagnetic propulsion systems. This book is 99% patent blueprints and 1% explanatory commentary. Read examples HERE. Volume #11 "NAV / COM Systems" covers the communication and navigation systems for spacecraft. From the public domain patents on transmissions overcoming plasma in re-entry, to the futuristic tachyon transceiver, these important flight systems are covered here. This book is 99% patent blueprints and 1% explanatory commentary. Read examples HERE.
Understanding how the devices in the expired and current patents function will prevent you from facing interference, under any guise or format, when you are building your own craft. THE GOVERNMENT HAS RELEASED THE BLUEPRINTS FOR UFO TECHNOLOGY. HIGH SPEED GLOWING BALLS OF LIGHT, SILVER DISCS, TRIANGLES OR CIGAR SHAPED FLYING CRAFT THAT OUTPERFORM ANY AIRCRAFT IN THE SKY--THOSE PLANS ARE AVAILABLE IN THIS ENCYCLOPEDIC BOOK SERIES. THE FULL PLANS ARE DETAILED HERE, READY TO BE READ BY YOU. The most commonly asked questions are answered HERE. These exotic propulsion systems are predominantly public domain material; their use can increase commerce and profit margins with minimal investment. The increase of commerce can be used to establish global advancement, in the greater picture of improving the quality of life for all by improving the speed and performance of global industries. In the past, governments and big-money interests have glossed over alerting the public to this technology because it is much more profitable to encourage dependence on the current system. But now that the current system is in trouble, with ever more bailouts, skyrocketing fuel costs, and failing revenues, this technology can be integrated into the current system and made much more profitable. Who would fly a regular plane of any type when the UFO craft is much faster, safer, and more atmospherically stable? The lobbyists of government who work for the corporations that are relying the most on government subsidies and short supply to increase their corporations' bottom lines now can return to the ideology that improvement in performance can lead to greater profits than reliance on the current failing system. The stock market can return to a state of graduated recurring increases as corporate performance improves by the integration of this superior technology into the market. As market performance increases (shorter trip times encourage more flights; produce and other commodities can be delivered same-day for better quality and less spoilage...), the economies of all participating nations shall thrive.
It turns out that there exists a legacy of
at least one hundred years of inventors who succeeded in reaching the
heavens by means of flying craft that we today call UFO's, and the proof
comes from the most reliable source: The Patent Office.
An inventor can’t receive a patent on a UFO device that made apparently unbelievable claims unless he or she had: 1) A prototype that worked (United States Code Title 35 Section 114). 2) The prototype did exactly what the patent application claimed. 3) The inventor had to convince the patent examiner that what the inventor claimed his invention was doing was actually what was happening. Only then, would a patent be granted. Most of these patents have expired, so now their information is available for use and replication by YOU! My original intent was to write a book about UFO technology; but because there was so much information discovered, I had to create an encyclopedia set to comprehensively cover UFO tech instead. Unfortunately, with over seven million patents in the US patent office alone, most of the information on “UFO technology” is effectively buried and hidden from the view of the public. It has taken many years of sifting and sorting to remove the “dross” from the mountain of data and compile the answers, that satisfy the questions people have, about UFO's. The entire set is recommended for engineers, machinists, and the people who want to know the facts about the different kinds of propulsion systems that comprise UFO craft. Imagine, owning a flying craft that glows like a fireball, is invisible to radar, and can dart across the sky like a shooting star. You can see how these craft, and the technology that cancels gravity and inertia for the pilots, are designed, in this book series! The more you understand just how valuable these books could be to your life, to society, and to the planet, the less you think about delaying this important purchase. Each one of these encyclopedic volumes is over 500 pages in length. I have provided you with thousands of pages of UFO propulsion technology available to you, with many pictures and detailed explanations from the inventors themselves on how they built their crafts SUCCESSFULLY. Add the additional over 2100 pages of Power Systems, 600 pages of Navigation and Communication systems, and you are looking at thousands of pages total of hands-on how-to knowledge. THERE IS NO OTHER BOOK OR SERIES IN EXISTENCE THAT PROVIDES THIS CONCISE INFORMATION ABOUT UFO CRAFT AND PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY. Many of the patents have gone into the public domain, and some of the newer patents being issued are merely re-hashed versions of the old technology, in an attempt to keep this knowledge out of your hands. This technology belongs to you. You can imagine using this product and enjoying all the benefits it brings. You are mere moments away from making this a reality, your reality. Aerospace is no longer the sole domain of governments, big corporations and billionaires. The economic boon of the New Space Race is open to everyone. But what about the aliens? History is full of UFO sightings... See "Historical UFOs and Religion." Groups such as contactees, MUFON, the Disclosure Project, Virgin Galactic... can benefit from the knowledge contained herein.
Be a part of this exciting project. Tell people about this technology. Tell people about this website.
Full body teleportation. Wormhole generators. Gravity control. Time displacement. Quantum vortex implosion drives. Warp dive technology. These are not the elements of the latest science fiction movie, no, these are the inventions that people are trying to patent in the United States today.
This isn’t happening “long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away.” Nor is it happening in the 23rd century. These are inventions being reviewed by the Unites States Patent Office right now. And you can read them in their entirety in Luke Fortune’s latest book “On the Threshold of Tomorrow.” Volume XII of the UFO How-To series "On the Threshold of Tomorrow" is different from the other Volumes of the UFO How-To series in that it focuses on Patent Applications, not patents. The inventions listed therein have not yet been approved by the Patent office of the United States. They are inventions waiting to be judged by the USPTO. You can bet that pursuant to United States Code 35 Section 114, the government will require working prototypes to examine. You can’t patent a theory in the United States. Will these amazing inventions be granted patent status? Will they be denied? Will they be classified? Only time will tell. The possibilities that face us now are in a word, fantastic. The fate of these applications will act as a barometer for our social and technological reality.
See UFO How-To Volume XII: "On The Threshold Of Tomorrow" here.
or facebook.com/lucky.fortune777.
Help spread the word, please link to this site, and please disseminate the free E-book! PATENT PROVEN - NO THEORIES
The highly anticipated graphic novel is here!
HIT COUNT AS OF 10/30/2012: 8,125,074 Hits
Copyright 2007 - 2012 Luke Fortune
TERMS OF USE: Content from this website is original material and intellectual property of the author, Luke Fortune. Author will allow re-posting of material from this website upon the provision that return links pointing back to this main website (ufohowto.com) are employed with the re-post (example: you wish to copy a paragraph from this webpage for your blog or website. You may do so provided you identify that this material was copied from www.ufohowto.com)